How to Send Message to Applicants?

Written by Pamela
Updated 3 years ago

Sending a message in Sellcrowd is as easy as one two three. However, we need to ensure that we are conveying the right information and thought of our message. Communication is an essential part of our lives so better ask and clarify.

Here’s how you can send a message to an applicant.

1. Log in to your Sellcrowd account.
2. Follow the steps in Viewing an Applicant.
3. Once you have the applicant list, click on More, then click Send Message.

4. You are now on the messaging page and a chat room is created.
5. Scroll down to type in a message and hit Send.
**Click on the paper clip icon if you need to attach a file.

6. If you have sent a message before to an applicant and you want to go back to the conversation, click on Dashboard then click Messages.
7. Select the user that you want to chat with.


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